Over the winter, Frome beginner beekeepers have been lucky enough to attend a series of evening courses run by Robin. These are pitched at a level above total beginner but below the basic exam course and have been extremely interesting.
Robin has encouraged us to think ahead and work out what we want to do if (when?!) we find Queen cells. Liam and I have decided that we would like to increase the number of colonies we have and take it to the dizzy heights of two hives.
Last week's course included a discussion on the different methods of swarm control. There are a couple of different approaches including the Pagden method (the BBKA recommended method) and a revised approach - Robin's "Safety First" method! We will be attempting the latter so more on this in a few months time...
Whichever method we use, we learnt that a nucleus hive would be useful - and that these are available on ebay from £35. I have accordingly just "Made an offer" on a nuc hive with a wire mesh floor for £32 plus £15 postage and had it accepted.
Next up is a second hive - I am hoping to find a second hand one at a local auction?