Emails from David from Frome beekeeping division about purchasing Apiguard have made me assemble a homemade varroa floor insert.
Our hive originally had a solid floor, and Robin made it into a varroa floor for us by turning it round, putting the brood chamber on top of a mesh floor with the solid floor underneath. We then blocked off the "rear" opening with a piece of wood that can also be removed to slide in an insert. (Robin, apologies, I have explained this appallingly).
DEFRA's very useful leaflet explained that I needed an insert with sticky paper. So, one IKEA slim chopping board later, with sticky paper from the kitchen shop glued on and secured with much muttering and elastic bands we have a bona fide varroa insert.... Well, it will do for now...
I put this in the hive on Tuesday and will give it 3 days before removing and counting. I was quite suprised (not sure why) at all the debris already underneath. I don't think I had thought about it before and now need to work out how I will clean this old debris without disturbing the bees.
I really, REALLY hope there is little or no varroa, as rereading David's email I note we had to let him know about the Apiguard before end of July...