Friday 19 June 2009

Just waiting for Sunday...

Have just gone out and bought Ted Hooper's book as I dont think I can keep my library copy out for much longer...
Unashamedly spent at least quarter of an hour going through all the beebooks in the Hunting Raven Bookshop to pick up any nuggets of wisdom. One book had quite a good section on how to light a smoker - newspaper, (puff) pine needles (puff), more pine needles (more puffing) and finally rotten wood (keep puffing at intervals). Question: It is summer, where do I get dried pine needles from?!


  1. Better to add bunched newspaper, then dry wood chips. Once that's going OK add fresh cut pine brach ends with needles.
    The wood chips will keep the smoker going and the green pine needles will create a lot of smoke, in addition having more pine needle twigs on top of the smouldering ones will somewaht cool the smoke you are puffing into the hive, the addition of fresh grass on top or in the smoke spout will have the same cooling effect

  2. Thank you Peter - I will give this a go. I think 10 minutes is our longest smoker yet!!
