After a busy weekend away, we inspected the bees at around 5pm on Monday. Again, it was noticeable that the later the hour, the more bees were in the hive.
On removing the crown board (see picture on left) we could see that the bees had once again been very active with the bridge comb, but, more productively, had drawn out all but two of the frames we added.
We inspected each frame and found eggs, larvae and sealed brood as well as an abundance of nectar. The brood pattern (the way in which the brood is arranged) was good with most cells sealed.

The only oddity was that we noticed a "W" pattern of unsealed cells on a couple of frames (see right). We then realised that this must be where the wire of the frames is present. I dont know why they objected to this on just a few of the frames but it was definitely visible.
We didnt spot the Queen but there were definitely fresh eggs so no worries there. I also remembered to measure the floor to make a DIY varroa board... Next inspection will be Sunday - Liam is convinced we will need to put the Super on and has laid it all out ready to assemble on the dining table. I wonder how long it will stay like that?
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